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May 2023’ss overview of Member States decisions in relation to implementation of Annex VIII to CLP Regulation

The next relevant deadline for PCN is approaching fast – notification of mixtures for industrial use only1 January 2024. 
The only country in the EEA in which in general does not yet accept PCN notification through the ECHA submission portal, remains Bulgaria. Currently there are no indications on when their system will be ready to join the dissemination through the established ECHA Submission Portal. 
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added a note * on Slovakia in this recent report on implementation of Annex VIII to CLP Regulation (Poison Centre Notification).  

The note says: Please check for more information available from the specific Appointed Body website – full details found on the Poison Centre website 

So, we checked this and found the following notice, issued by NTIC (The Slovakian appointed body):
Slovakia now accepts poison centre notifications through ECHA’s submission portal but national legislation has not yet been changed. Duty holders must continue to notify their hazardous mixtures according to the national legislation until further notice. 
This means legally you still have to use the national procedure for notification in Slovakia. 
To further check the requirements this 6-page document gives you all the relevant information on country-by-country basis. And colors help you navigate and quickly check: 

  • which countries are already connected to ECHA Submission portal, so you start notifying the mixtures; 
  • how can you submit your notifications; 
  • in what language you need to submit your notification; 
  • are there any fees related with the notification process; 
  • when can you actually start placing your mixture on the market. 

If you are stuck or in lack of time then it is maybe time, we help you. Short e-mail to us ( could save you a ton of time and energy. 

Information on this blog is prepared with utmost care, but it is not about (chemical) consulting, and the provider does not assume any responsibility or liability for the correctness, accuracy and up-to-dateness of published content. If you need advice for a specific case, you can write to us at
UFI / PCN | October 17, 2023

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