ECHA has published a new document on Linkedin regarding the overview of Member States decisions in relation to implementation of Annex VIII to the CLP Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008).
This version has not yet been published at the usual ECHA webpage under section »Key documents«, so we have added it here.
What has changed since July's overview which we presented in detail in this post?
In August’s overview there are no significant changes. The list of countries accepting notifications via the ECHA submission portal remains the same.
There are 2 minor changes in the table:
- Explanation for Luxembourg – the Belgian Appointed Body is responsible for the reception of all hazardous mixture declarations placed on the Luxembourgish market.
- For Czech Republic and Hungary external links were removed from the document. For Hungary the relevant information on fees is still available here.
As you can see, the situation regarding poison centre notifications – PCNs is still not harmonized across all the Member States of EU/EEA. While this is a without a doubt useful overview you still need to be aware of all exceptions .
Now, if you are facing specific challenges in connection with UFIs and PCNs, we are happy to help. We can help save you a lot of time and effort with finding the answers.