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It's time for Chemius 2.0.

(For those of you who are new to the subject, Chemius is a tool we build to help our clients effectively manage their chemical documentation in real time. You can read more about this service here).

We've been building it for more than four years – more on the reasons and story behind it in one of my next posts – and now it's ready for you.

Historically we added different features in existing system gradually to minimize possible disruptions. But this time we’re doing it differently.

Chemius 2.0 has been built around different value in mind and thus as a completely neherew product. So, it doesn’t make much sense to release it gradually.

This means all existing Chemius customers will be automatically transferred to new Chemius 2.0 in couple of months. We’re, nevertheless, keeping the previous version around for you if you want to stick with what you know rather than move to the new product. However, you’ll see only PDF versions and no updates so you must be aware of this limitation.

Just to make it absolutely clear. Right now, you don't have do anything — you'll just notice the new Chemius once you log in. We'll also inform you when you're transferred to Chemius 2.0. so there are no unpleasant surprises. And we'll also do our best to explain all the new stuff once it goes live or organise webinars to help you get comfortable in new environment.

Here are just some of the benefits of Chemius 2.0.:

  • Better connectivity with other applications and systems (CRM, ERP, online stores)
  • Expansion to mobile devices
  • Applicability at all levels: purchasing, development, sales, logistics, safety, and health at work
  • Applicability throughout the supply chain: from raw material manufacturers to retailers

More about these benefits in posts which will follow.

One last thing. This launch is just the beginning, and we won’t stop here. Chemius 2.0. is going to get better and better adding new features over time. But will do these updates more gradually giving you time to adapt as you go along.

So here we go. Chemius 2.0. is coming.

We're incorporating loads of customer feedback, brand new ideas of our own, and weaving in a new degree of flexibility that'll make Chemius 2.0. the new best Chemical documentation system ever.

Thanks for sticking with us and for helping us develop something that will push the boundaries of chemical legislation yet again.

Information on this blog is prepared with utmost care, but it is not about (chemical) consulting, and the provider does not assume any responsibility or liability for the correctness, accuracy and up-to-dateness of published content. If you need advice for a specific case, you can write to us at
SDS UFI / PCN ADR Other | September 1, 2021

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  • Safety Data Sheet
  • UFI / PCN
  • ADR
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