We find this table on page 4 very useful as it gives you so many information packed on one sheet.
Currently there are 12 EU/EEA member states where you can submit your PCN notification:
- Austria
- Croatia
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Germany
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Lithuania
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Slovenia
This document is regularly updated by European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and therefore relevant for anyone dealing with UFI / PCN.
You get to see all the relevant information on country by country basis. And colors help you navigate and quickly check:
- which countries are already connected to ECHA submission system, so you start notifying the mixtures;
- how can you submit your notifications;
- in what language you need to submit your notification;
- are there any fees related with the notification process;
- when can you actually start placing your mixture on the market.
We share this ECHA document because we think you will find it very useful once you dip into UFI / PCN notification process.