On 25 June 2020, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published 4 new entries on the candidate list for the authorization of substances of very high concern (SVHC). This is, therefore, a change in the chemical legislation, this time on a European level.
These new entries are the following:
Right after the new entries were made, we have updated our database of SVHCs used for the compilation of safety data sheets. Every user of the ChemiusExpert service now has updated safety data sheets because in the event of presence of these SVHCs, Section 3 of the safety data sheet will now automatically display this.
Here is an example of how this new feature in the safety data sheet looks like:
The obligations this change represents for you, if you are a manufacturer or importer of such products or a supplier of a substance or mixture (chemicals), containing SVHCs, have already been explained in one of the previous articles.