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Pripravljeni na PCN Notifikacije leta 2024?

Here, at Ben's Blog, we've already delved deeply into the topic of PCN notifications. Looking ahead to the latter part of 2023, it's our anticipation that PCN notifications should no longer present significant challenges. However, the looming deadline of January 1st, 2024 or January 1st, 2025.

January 1st, 2024 is carrying particular weight in the realm of PCN notifications. This date signifies the cutoff for mandatory notifications pertaining to mixtures exclusively intended for industrial use. It's worth noting that there is an exception that can grant an extension to this deadline. Specifically, if a product for industrial use was correctly registered via the Bureau of Chemicals in Slovenia no later than January 1st, 2024, the PCN notification deadline is extended by an additional year, until January 1st, 2025.


Ready for PCN Notifications in 2024?

In summary, regardless of exceptions and extended deadlines, taking timely action is of utmost importance. Timely and precise PCN notifications not only serve the interests of companies and manufacturers but also benefit the broader community and the environment. This allows the first responders to respond appropriately and offer sufficient assistance in case of an accident or emergency.

We understand that navigating this situation can be both time-consuming and challenging. That's why we're here to lend a helping hand and streamline the process for you. If you drop us a brief email at, we can offer you professional assistance that will save you considerable time, effort, and potential complications. Don't hesitate to reach out; we're here to provide you with support.

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Information on this blog is prepared with utmost care, but it is not about (chemical) consulting, and the provider does not assume any responsibility or liability for the correctness, accuracy and up-to-dateness of published content. If you need advice for a specific case, you can write to us at
UFI / PCN | September 4, 2023

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