When you’re producing under your brand while partnering with a private label, it’s natural to want to keep certain details—like exact compositions—confidential.
This can be challenging, especially when regulatory requirements like UFI codes and Poison Centre Notifications (PCN) call for transparency on product details.
The good news? We’ve developed a process to protect your formulations while helping your partners meet their UFI obligations.
How confidential UFI codes work?
Through our established process, we handle UFI codes and regulatory documentation under strict confidentiality.
When a partner requires UFI registration but the details need to stay private, we use non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to ensure all sensitive data remains secure.
This allows us to register UFI codes for your partner’s brand without revealing the exact composition of your products.
Our proven process in action.
We’ve successfully managed this approach on numerous occasions, supporting producers who need to retain confidentiality while complying with regulatory requirements.
Whether it’s creating a separate UFI code or handling PCN dossiers for your partner’s brand, we’re here to make it easy, professional, and confidential.
Protect your brand and compliance.
If you’re looking for a solution that respects your brand’s privacy while supporting your private-label partnerships, contact us.
We’re ready to manage UFI codes under a confidentiality agreement, letting you meet regulatory standards without compromising your formulations.