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ECHA and inspectors will check the classification and labelling of mixtures in products

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is launching a new EU-wide project (called REF-14).

From 2026 onwards, inspectors across the EU will carry out closer checks on product safety to ensure that what we bring into our homes does not put our health at risk.

To this end, they will check that hazardous mixtures present in products such as air fresheners or e-cigarettes are correctly classified, labelled and packaged. The aim is therefore to protect consumers and children from the hazards of chemicals.

Why is this important?

Many times, the products we trust are not labelled correctly. We may be missing warning signs that tell us, "Be careful, this is toxic," or "Keep out of the reach of children." Without these warnings, we are ignorant of the potential dangers.

E-cigarettes, for example, often contain nicotine, which is highly toxic. How many of these products have clear warnings and safe closures to prevent accidental poisoning? Experience from practice shows that not enough.

Or air fresheners. These seemingly harmless products may contain allergens/irritants. However, the labels are often unclear, so we are not aware of the dangers they pose.

ECHA's REF-14 project is not about adding multiple labels to products. It is about transparency, accountability and, above all, protection. Suppliers must comply with their obligations under CLP – correct classification, clear labelling, safe packaging, and proper notification to poison centres.

To this end, inspectors will check whether suppliers of these products continue to comply in practice with their obligations under CLP, including classification and labelling and requirements for packaging, which must be fitted with child-resistant fasteners.

The other thing where the focus of these checks will be the Poison Centre Notifications (PCN) and the safety data sheets for these mixtures.

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SDS UFI / PCN | June 20, 2024

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