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Inspectors to check the suitability of submitted Poison Centres Notifications(PCNs) and online sales of chemicals

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has announced that the national authorities will launch two actions in January 2025.

First, they will scrutinize the PCNs, which is how conscientious the duty holders were in fulfilling their obligations to submit notifications to Poison Centers. (If you are interested in knowing how you can check if your product has a valid PCN, then it will be helpful to read this blog).

You may be interested in why the action will start in January 2025? The answer lies in the deadlines set for the submission of PCN. In January 2025, all products to be placed on the market must be labelled with the appropriate UFI codes and be in the register of poison centres.

The purpose of these checks shall be to protect human health. Therefore, over a period of 6 months, January 2025 to June, intensive checks will be carried out on whether chemical suppliers have submitted notifications on hazardous mixtures to national authorities.

National authorities share this information with poison centres so that they can advise citizens or medical personnel in the event of an emergency. Poison centres must have correct information on hazardous mixtures to ensure that the emergency response is well informed and appropriate.

Inspectors will thus check several things. First, whether PCNs have been submitted, second, whether the UFI codes on the labels are appropriate (and not empty) and (third) also the safety data sheets of the mixtures. As mentioned, they will start the action in January 2025. You can expect intensive control for at least 6 months.

Another objective is to check the adequacy of information when selling chemicals online.

In this case, inspectors will check that the products advertised and sold online contain substances that are restricted by REACH and POP, and that they are properly labelled and packaged.

That is, they will check whether the potential buyer has all the necessary information at his disposal in the online buying process and whether it is presented in an appropriate way.

The reviews will also verify compliance with the Directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS).

With both of these tasks, which will be subject to inspections, we can help you quickly and effectively. Of course, if you contact us on time. I am available at

Author of the original photo Volodymyr Hryshchenko portal Unsplash

Information on this blog is prepared with utmost care, but it is not about (chemical) consulting, and the provider does not assume any responsibility or liability for the correctness, accuracy and up-to-dateness of published content. If you need advice for a specific case, you can write to us at
UFI / PCN Other | March 26, 2024

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