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Ali ustrezno poimenujete in oglašujete vaše biocidne proizvode?

Each trade name of biocidal products must comply with Article 48 of Regulation (EC) no. 1272/2008 on classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP) and Article 72 of Regulation (EU) no. 528/2012 on market availability and use of biocidal products (BPR).

In accordance with the above-mentioned articles, the names of biocidal products and advertising must not mislead in terms of risks and must not include the following terms, such as:

  • a biocidal product with a lower risk,
    • non-toxic,
    • harmless,
    • natural,
    • environmentally friendly,
    • animal-friendly or similar, such as:
    • bio,
    • natural,
    • organic,
    • eco,
    • organic,
    • green,
    • safe and similar.


Any advertising of biocidal product must also contain the sentences: "Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.” The sentences must be clearly visible and legible in relation to the entire ad. Manufacturers may replace the word "biocides" in the prescribed sentences with a clear reference to the product type.

The Slovenian Chemicals Office can demand the registration holders of inappropriately named biocidal products to change the names and withdraw these products from the market. It is possible that they review the register of biocidal products and request changes of those containing any of the phrases from the list above in their name.

I'd also like to mention that in the process of authorization of a very well-known biocidal product BIO KILL, there was a disagreement regarding the appropriateness of the name and the applicant had to change the name. This iconic product now has the name CLEAN KILL.

If you are not sure whether you have named your biocidal products correctly, if you maybe want to change the existing names, or if you need any other help regarding biocidal products, you can write to me at


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Biocides | February 29, 2024

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