Today I would like to address a general "myth" that I have noticed in communication with many clients recently. This "myth" says "that the UFI is required on the label, but not mandatory on the safety data sheet - SDS".
The UFI code, Unique Formulation Identifier, is not new, as it has been in use for more than three years, since January 2021 to be precise. It is a 16-digit code that is used to identify hazarouds mixtures and is indicated on the label of products that are classified as hazardous.
Therefore, today in brief, about when the UFI code must really be listed in the safety data sheet as well? So what does the law say about it?
The fact is that the UFI code in general cases is not really indicated in the safety data sheets for dangerous mixtures (CLP Regulation No. 1272/2008, Annex VIII, Part A, Chapter 5). But you can do it voluntarily. Many clients do this, to provide comprehensive information to their partners. In this case, the UFI code is added to point 1.1. your safety data sheet.
However, there is an exception in this case that you should be aware of. The only exception to specifying the UFI code in safety data sheets is hazardous mixtures that are sold unpackaged (for example, a truck for the transport of wet concrete). In this case, the UFI code in the safety data sheet is mandatory. It must be stated in section 1.1. safety data sheet.
You can find more articles on UFI and PCN notifications on our BENS blog here.
In case of additional questions or uncertainties, you can contact me at