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Dun & Bradstreet awarded BENS Consulting with a platinum rating of excellence for the fifth time in a row

According to the latest analysis by Dun & Bradstreet, only 3.4% of companies in Slovenia achieve the highest, platinum excellence. BENS Consulting is among these prestigious winners this year for the fifth time in a row.

The best thing about this is the continuity - to repeat such success year after year.

I personally believe that this platinum rating is the result of good work in the company and a respectful attitude towards partners and clients.

These are the values and principles by which we live, work, and behave every day at BENS.

These values are not the inspiration of one man or one moment.

They are a mixture of personal beliefs and group values. We wrote them down because we believe in transparency. Because they help us with everyday challenges and far-reaching decisions. Because they are understandable, simple and leave no room for excuses. And because they are proven to work.

At BENS Consulting, we believe in these values and act according to them in our everyday life. Are you wondering what these values are? We have listed them below, and we invite you to read and think about them:

  1. Treat people with respect

Listen to your customers and learn from them. Give them time to tell their stories. Take your time and listen to them. Try to understand them. Help them solve their problems. And always be honest with them and treat them the way you want them to treat you.

  1. If you make big promises, keep them

All you have is your word. Fulfill what you promise. If you keep your word, you are trustworthy, reliable, and easy to work with. Keeping our promises is the backbone of our business. We make big promises and put a lot of effort into fulfilling them.

  1. Create a positive work environment

Provide people with a work environment enabling them to develop and nurture their talents, passions, and knowledge. Support, listen, educate them, and challenge them. With all this, don't forget that work can also be fun.

  1. Share happiness

Every year we donate part of the income to charities. We firmly believe that we can help in this way as well. By giving back to the community, we also help good intentions come to life. Because everyone deserves a chance.

These principles are simple and unambiguous. If something doesn't fit these simple-to-understand principles, we simply don't do it.

The platinum rating of excellence - alongside our customers, our loyal supporters - is just one of the eloquent proofs that our principles and values work.

Information on this blog is prepared with utmost care, but it is not about (chemical) consulting, and the provider does not assume any responsibility or liability for the correctness, accuracy and up-to-dateness of published content. If you need advice for a specific case, you can write to us at
Other | August 30, 2023

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