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Briefly about the essential changes in the new safety data sheets according to Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/878

Let me repeat what I said in my last post because it is important and worth repeating.

As of January 1, 2023, all safety data sheets must be issued in accordance with the new format as determined by Regulation 878/2020. (This modifies Annex II of the REACH regulation and provides legal requirements for material safety data sheets). So, today I’m going to focus on these changes.

The first change is already in section 1. Namely it concerns substances in nano form, or the requirements to list them in safety data sheets. Now the following applies - if the safety data sheet refers to one or more nanoforms or substances that include nanomaterials, you must indicate this in this part of the safety data sheet with the word "nanoform".

Second, when it comes to a mixture with a Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) in accordance with Section 5 of Part A of Annex VIII to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008, you are obliged to indicate this UFI code in the safety data sheet. (You can find more posts on the topic of UFI codes and PCN notifications here).

There are also some changes when listing of hazards in section 2 of the safety data sheet.

The changes in this section are intended to improve communication through the supply chain regarding endocrine disruptors. In point 2.3. it is now necessary to provide information about:

  • whether the substance has been included in the list established in accordance with Article 59(1) of the REACH Regulation because it has endocrine disrupting properties
  • whether it is a substance that has been found to have endocrine disrupting properties.

Furthermore, for the mixture you must provide information for each such substance present in the mixture in a concentration equal to or greater than 0.1% by mass.

And if you don't have time for all these adjustments, we are here to help - write to me and maybe we can help you as effectively as these companies.

Edited photo: Author of original image cottonbro studio,

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SDS UFI / PCN | December 19, 2022

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