The European Commission has adopted a delegated Regulation amending the CLP Regulation (1272/2008), which postpones the first compliance date for reporting (UFI and PCN) to Poison Centres, for mixtures intended for consumer use, from 1. 1. 2020 to 1. 1. 2021.
The other two compliance dates for notification to Poison Centres for professional and industrial use stay as they are.
The adoption of the Regulation by the European Commission is now followed by a two-month period of examination by the European Parliament and European Council.
If there are no objections to the postponement of compliance date, the adoption will be valid after being published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Opposing to the changes is not expected, however we would like to emphasize the currently valid compliance date for UFI and PCN for now remains 1. 1. 2020.
We will continue to monitor all developments related with UFI and PCN and will keep you updated on regular basis.