Most questions I receive to my inbox are connected to transmission of information about 100% chemical composition of hazardous mixtures and the safety of this sensitive information transmission.
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published information about the protection of such data.
The same data protection standards apply for the PCN database as for other ECHA data systems: REACH-IT, R4BP and other.
However, if a Member State decides to use the national system for submitting PCN notifications, it must also provide for system and data safety.
The access to data in the PCN database (where composition is the most delicate piece of information) will be available only for authorised persons in national poison centres, for the purpose of appropriate response in cases of poisonings.
It is currently unclear how the legal conformity and appropriate use of information will be checked.
If you have any experience or information, I kindly ask you to share them with me. We will continue to keep you up to date, because we expect that most problems and questions of those who are obliged to PCN notification submission will occur in connection to this issue.