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I heard my father often say.

I couldn’t quite understand it at the time.

But I now more and more realize how right he was.

I often come out of meetings, where people are nodding, even cheering for a solution that would help them save oceans of time, not to mention energy and above all money. 

But then usually two things happen.

Either we go and make things happen in a very short period. Results usually start pouring in sooner than expected and clients suddenly ask me why I didn’t contact them sooner.

Or after the meeting and agreed proposal ...

Nothing happens.

So I question myself what did I miss? What was different in these cases? If people are in such a pain and needed help, why nothing happens? What’s the worst it could happen, if they tried?

I mean, if they were nodding in the meeting and the manager said "that’s something we need" than why aren’t they acting upon it?

Till one day it hits me.

The “go” or “wait” decision has nothing to do with what we were offering. Nothing to do with the way how I came across. Nothing to do with not being sincere in their reactions ...

It’s just that the timing wasn’t right.

Maybe their "pain" isn’t hard enough yet. Maybe the CEO didn’t get the right information. Or maybe they couldn’t understand how this would improve the company’s productivity.

Maybe CFO got involved and couldn’t see how that solution would increase their bottom line. Maybe some of the participants in the meeting got scared for their jobs. Or current business environment simply didn’t push them hard enough to search for better solutions ...

Only they know the reason why timing wasn’t right.  

I now understand and live by my father’s saying. It all reminds me of what I think David Ogilvy once said: “The client will buy when he’s ready to buy, not when you want to sell”.

And since we’re not in timing business we try to give our clients relevant content that would help them grow their business. And we try to do it day in day out.

But most of all ...

I’m waiting for the right timing.

How about you? Can you share your experiences with me?

Information on this blog is prepared with utmost care, but it is not about (chemical) consulting, and the provider does not assume any responsibility or liability for the correctness, accuracy and up-to-dateness of published content. If you need advice for a specific case, you can write to us at
SDS | September 27, 2018

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